Tuesday, November 16, 2010

my craft room

so my office/craft room is getting there, but still have some updates to make! my printer is sitting on the floor for now, but eventually i'd like to have a cart. some other updates include a new desk and bookshelf. so far i'm happy with progress and love having a room of my own to create :)


Joanne said...

Love that corkboard? frame you have. Did you make it yourself?

I hope to one day soon have a office/craft space of my own that I can personalize. I think every girl needs one. & a ginormous walk in closet. =)

lalalalisa said...

thanks, i did make the cork board frame. i spray painted an old vintage frame and wrapped some cork in fabric and glued together.

i agree, every girl needs a craft room and walk in closet :)

happy thanksgiving!

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